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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Act without a name.

I wish there were some special word for the act of fucking someone with four fingers. (Er. I mean, using four fingers to fuck someone.) "Fingering" seems to imply only one or two fingers, and "fisting" requires getting your thumb in. I need a unique verb here. "Handing?" "Subfisting?"

Although I do kinda like calling it "fucking," because I think calling any kind of fucking other than penis-in-vagina "fucking" helps break down the "this is the only real sex" mythos. But I'd like a special word too.

Arbitrarily, I declare this to be "shucking." It's like a handshake, and it's like fucking. Shucking? Good enough.

I got shucked real good this morning. It's one of my favorite things. Not as much of a challenge as fisting, easier to do casually, but still way more intense than fingering. It's a very happy medium.


  1. My girlfriend and I call it "fucking" ... shucking sounds like you're husking corn! (Me betraying my midwestern roots ...). The nice thing about four fingers is that it leaves the thumb free to ... wander :)

  2. The last time (and indeed only times, as I'm quite small, and three of my husband's fingers are a gracious plenty) I've had that many fingers in me, I was in labor, so I call it an internal dilation check.

  3. I call it "fingering with four fingers." I mean, fingering doesn't necessarily imply number of fingers: I've been fingered with one, two, three or four.

  4. I'm with annajcook; "shucking" is already a word that means peeling or husking or removing some unwanted shell. So it sounds weird for sex, unless it just means getting naked.

    And I'm not even from the Midwest.

  5. I find it hottest and most potent to just call it "fucking," kind of for the same reasons you mention. I like that it reinforces that it's not somehow [i]less[/i] when he's using his fingers instead of his penis.

  6. "Finger fucking" of course! One of my favourites...

  7. It may primarily refer to removing the husk from something, but that's not what "shucking" (especially without an object) first suggests to me. >_>

  8. I have guy friends that refer to that as "The Eagle Claw". although that's a video game reference of theirs, which I think originally referred to tearing out someone's heart.... so I'm not sure if that's really the right term for it either.

    the way my ex used to position his fingers to do that sort of looked like a star destroyer (god I'm such a nerd.) so that's what I think of honestly.

  9. Spocking is two in the front two in the back. Think eagle claw might work, or even shucking, who cares if its another word for something most of these things are. Though i still cant stop laughing over the one i read the other day "The mini van" Two in the from five in the rear

  10. Shucking! Way too much like corn. That is....confusing. And slightly alarming, connecting the concept of peeling produce to, um, anything involving a vagina, really. Vaginas should probably not be peeled....

  11. "Shucking" is how some have translated a Latin word that really means something more like skinning small rodents (since English has no equivalent verb). Anyway, Catullus used it as a euphemism for handjobs (y'know, the foreskin is kind of loose like a rabbit's, something like that).

  12. It's perfect. Like the AC/DC-song. Yeeah yoooou shucked me aaaall night long.

  13. aaaand third comment of the night to inform you that this behavior was popularly known in my high school as "pop-tarting". So there's that.
