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Monday, September 17, 2007

Or am I fooling myself because I like it?

"Am I doing this because I'm a little bit messed up?" is a separate question from "Does that make it wrong?"


  1. Sorry...can't follow this one. (I.e., "huh?")

  2. What if being masochistic is not necessarily normal and healthy? What if I like being yelled at and beat up for totally sick, unhealthy reasons?

    If the act of doing it, even if it's rooted in crazy, causes me and my partners no harm, I think it's still okay to do. It doesn't have to come from a great place of warmth and purity to be kosher, is what I guess I'm saying. It just has to not make you worse.

  3. It also has to not prevent you from getting better.

  4. Sam - (gah, I know at least three people online named Sam, and you're probably none of them) - I wish I hadn't phrased this all so vaguely, because honestly, I'm not sure exactly what I mean by "messed up."

    Some sort of low-self-esteem/self-hate thing I guess, but what sort and to what extent and from what cause and if it matters are... not clear? And probably would be excruciatingly boring to explore in detail.

    Anyway I don't think my sex life matters that much to my self-esteem, though, because my self-esteem is already 98% invested in my professional life. Say "you're a dirty whore"... eh. Say "you gave the wrong medication"... tears.

  5. It doesn't have to come from a great place of warmth and purity to be kosher, is what I guess I'm saying. It just has to not make you worse.

    I suppose the next pertinent question would be "does it make you better".

    Seriously; I see no compelling reason why it automatically shouldn't.
