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Sunday, October 7, 2007


You know, at least for Benny and me, I think our interest in anal play is based more in the symbolism than what it really is.

Butt sex is the only remotely mainstream sexual activity we haven't done yet. It's forbidden. Supposedly painful and dominating. Supposedly the greatest and darkest of pleasures. It's the Last Frontier.

But when you get down to actually trying it, the chief objection isn't "oh my god the pain" or "oh no the pleasure is too intense," it's "I think I might poop."

Yes, no one said traversing the Last Frontier was easy.


  1. Anal sex is supposed to be naughty, but in reality it's just kind of uncomfortable and icky.

    That might just be me, though, because I guess some people like it.

  2. I'm sure Holly-fancy-science-nerd could think up ways to avoid pooping.

  3. And Holly-nursing-assistant has seen them done. And mildly disgusting as the prospect is, I probably will. I'm working up to going all the way, and... well... no one ever accused me of not being a trooper.

  4. Suggestion = lots of lube.
    I find,that the more you trust a person the better it is..that kinda translates to you need to be relaxed. tense up and it's just not going to be pleasurable or perhaps not even possible.

  5. Dorkie - we do use lots of lube (the trust kinda sucks but oh well) and the problem isn't pain, just awkwardness and that so-romantic "your cock feels like a really big dump" sensation.

    I do 'spect we'll get over it soon, though. At least I intend to try.

  6. Good luck with it all!

  7. According to the ultimate anal sex guide, anal sex isn't supposed to hurt, but I've found I have to get past a lot of pain until I get to the intense amazing feeling. It's hard work - I feel so accomplished, like I should get a brown star. HA

  8. Heh... reading forward from the very first posts, it's funny how you're crazy-determined to get the anal sex right. With my future knowledge, I can reveal that after SEVERAL YEARS, you'll finally openly acknowledge that it's just not your thing :P hehe.

    Also: I feel like anal sex is kinda icky. I was in a bath and stuck a finger up my ass just out of curiosity... and what would I feel but a TURD. Augh. I want to try anal, but knowing there are turds lurking just two inches in is NOT sexy. I'd have to clean myself out like a maniac before even thinking about it seriously :S

  9. Ah, well, if you read on a few more years you will realize he would love to have a traffic cone in there, so I guess the jury is still out on that. Also you have no idea how hilarious it is to read that with the traffic cone post in the back of your mind
