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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

i am really drunk posting this just so you know

(Links are NWS and show real [very minor, very consensual] sexually-inflicted injuries.)

Okay, fine. Jesus. I admit it. I'm a tool of the patriarchy. A helpless, stupid, deluded little tool! I don't do stuff like this because it makes me come so hard I scream, I do it because men want me to! Because they like hurting women, all of them! And I like pleasing men (that's terrible!), because I don't have the courage to fight the good fight I am such worthless patriarchshit!

And it didn't take months of discussion and building trust and frankly begging to get a man to do this, he coerced me into it! Women never have submissive or exhibitionist desires of their own, don't be ridiculous! I think I do, but that's just because I'm a victim and an appeaser! I'm at once a malevolent Uncle Tom and a volitionless pawn!

And the fact that a man enjoyed doing this means that I necessarily didn't, because sex is a transaction, not an activity between partners! It's a zero-sum game, baby, rape or be raped! Ain't no room for friendship or love while the patriarchy exists--when a man fucks you he's using you, and if you've known this man for months and think you really know and respect each other you're being fooled by the patriarchy because if he dares to fuck you that means you're trash to him!


although really is it my fault because it's not like i WANTED to post them, the patriarchy made me, because it is so powerful it controls EVERYTHING including when you need to shit and whether it's gonna rain, and when i am alone with my boyfriend and say 'let's have sex' it is just the patriarchy talking through my poor helpless body while my mind screams 'noooo'

The world has two possible conditions, you know. Total ideal freedom in which we work for three hours a week and are all perfectly literally equal, and MISERY AND EXPLOITATION AND CRUELTY. If you are not exactly equal to all men at all times, you might as well be a starving beaten sex slave. The idea of "not a perfect world but I'm gonna do my best to enjoy and improve it" is a PATRIARCHY LIE.

STRAAAAWWWMANNNN everything you said that I cannot defend against is a STRAWWWWMANNN the only things we will admit to believing are that puppies are good and genocides are bad and if you try to argue against anything else you are just attacking a SSSSTTTTRRRRAAAWWWWMAAAANNN

i might delete this in the morning


  1. You need a new image host. Imageshack thinks you're a pawn of the patriarchy, too; all but the first link has a big black-on-red "this image has been deleted as porn!" (only it's much more strident than that) at the other end.

    Damn shame; I was hoping they'd be stimulating. O Noes! I haz been brainwashed into pr0n consumptionz!

    (Go ahead and delete if you want; I just thought you oughta know about Imageshack.)


  2. Sunflower - Haha, I bet the radfem invaders reported me, I've never had trouble before. Anyway I've switched to a tawdry porn host.

    And I don't think I can delete it, it's all too precious.

  3. Still waiting on my damn shirt. Extra starch in the collar and hurry up already.

  4. yessir right away sir would you like a blowjob with that?

  5. I'm glad you're not deleting, Holly. While this post has some over-the-top bits (well, duh, it was an alcohol-fueled rant), it also has some stuff that was well-worth saying. 'Sides, I think you needed to let off the steam.


  6. Pleasing men always makes me feel degraded!

  7. I kind of want to kiss you for this.

  8. aebhel - At least you didn't do it last night, I mighta thrown up on ya. I was reading comment threads on "I Blame the Patriarchy" and it drove me to doing shots of straight 151. I can't even hold beer. I'm lucky I didn't stop breathing.

  9. Holly,
    This is my first visit to your blog, I got here via Atomic Nerds and Bayou Renaissance Man.

    Just wanted to let you know that you made me laugh out loud, and more power to ya! I love your attitude (and your pictures: I am a member of the patriarchy, after all...) and sense of humor.

    Now, make me a sammich!

  10. That drunk? Then I gotta say I'm tremendously impressed with your ability to spell and to construct comprehensible and reasonably grammatical sentences while intoxicated.


  11. Sunflower - I have auto-spellcheck in my browser. Also, ranting at the Internet is a habit I've learned to the point of instinct by now, so even though I had trouble sitting on the toilet (nothing horrible happened, but... definitely felt like a precision balance exercise somehow) I still had my ranting-at-the-Internet abilities.

  12. I'd agree with this as an attack on the extremely overzealous hyper-feminists, but there are a couple of movements that still call themselves "feminism" that are doing good things. Terminology is a pain like that.

    Feminists should keep their noses out of the bedroom and out of people's private lives, and keep doing useful things like reducing the pay gap and making sure men and women are equally politically represented. Thankfully, there's a lot of self-declared "feminists" out there who have the decency to do just that.

    (I "quote" feminists because that term is overused and I'd prefer something better to describe these nicer types)
