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Friday, July 18, 2008

Third try.

I keep trying to write posts and accidentally over-baring my soul because I'm really sleep-deprived. (Or I think it's my soul; eight hours later I may reread these works of naked agony and find that they actually read "the circles go pooty poo.") So rather than put up something I'll regret, I'll just point out three anatomical weirdnesses in my genitals.

Weirdness 1: My vagina points the wrong way. I mean, not wrong, it doesn't go sideways or something, but according to a gynecologist and a couple of guys, it's at a nonstandard angle. Sometimes doggy-style sex won't work, sometimes doggy-style is the only way that works. There's a lot of slip-outage the first couple times with a new guy. Apparently I have a learning curve.

Weirdness 2: I don't like to have my clitoris touched. Maybe very softly or indirectly, but then it's just soft or indirect pleasure; to touch it directly, at any stage of sex, feels terrible to me. It's oversensitive. I have amazing and easy orgasms from penetration, and can only sometimes manage to have a difficult and uncomfortable one from clit stimulation. (I still like oral sex! You just don't do it directly to my clit and you don't expect me to come from it.)

Weirdness 3: I haven't gotten my period since April. I'm not pregnant. I'm just kind of weird this way. 3 months isn't unusual for me, and I've gone more than a year. PCOS? I do have a bit of abdominal fat, but no other symptoms--I've got clear skin, little body hair, and healthy blood sugar, none of which are very PCOSy. Probably it's just the way I am. I don't know yet if I'll have trouble having kids, but for right now, it's nothing but a convenience. A mildly worrying convenience.


  1. I'm apparently kind of weird about my clit too. I can't stand very much direct contact either. I always have a hard time explaining to people to just stay away from it until they learn the indirect contact thing

  2. I'm also with you on hating having my clit touched directly. Vibrators are usually OK, hands are usually awful.

  3. Hey, I like your vagina. :)

  4. My pet's clit is sensistive. Like she'd rather anal cause it feels better to just stay away from it period. She loves oral, but again, if i rub my toung on top or below it she comes fast, on it, it hurts her.

  5. (just discovered your blog), impressed.

  6. You know, I don't think I've ever actually met a woman who likes direct clitoral stimulation. I'm beginning to think that the entire thing is a fiction of women's magazines and porn.

  7. Aebhel - I can tell you firsthand it's not a myth. Some women actually do enjoy having a goddamn Hitachi (vibrates like a motherfucker) pressed directly there. Or a guy jabbing his fingers or tongue straight at it, and when he makes contact she goes "oh, that's the spot" instead of "ergh, stoppit." It's bizarre.
