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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back from Tommy.

We had a lot of sex and also kind of a lot to chew on relationship-wise. Mostly good. I might be having my Tommy and eating my random sex, too! Which, weirdly, makes me a little nervous, but... also a little horny. My angst and my perversion are good at canceling each other out like that.

The last time we had sex (out of nine total in two days, we're freaking bonobos) he cut my ass with a knife. It felt like he was making a shape but I couldn't tell what and his apartment didn't have a mirror at the right level for me to see. Now that I'm home I have a full length one, I can pull up my skirt, look over my shoulder and see...

The sign of the Z.



  1. I am Zorro, the hetero blade!

  2. Make enough trips to Boston and you might acquire the entire alphabet. If you have even more time -- and Drew is enough of a geek -- it could be the IPA instead.

  3. No, bruno, I'd carve Enochian instead. :)

  4. Drew - Please to not summon Elder Gods from my butt?

  5. But think of the tentacles they'd bring to the party!

  6. Holly-Summoning the Great Old Ones is my kink. I was upfront about it and you initially seemed like you'd be GGG. What happened? ;)
