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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

When I grow up...

You know, I don't want to become a cougar when I get older. I just want to be really, really into dudes my own age.


  1. Um, Hi! I've been reading you for awhile now. Can't remember quite how I found you, but I wanted you to know I added you to my blogroll. If you aren't comfortable with that, just let me know and I'll take you off. ^_^

  2. I'm 33, and am finding myself hitting on younger men just because they're so much easier to pick up- maybe because they're less selective, maybe because they're more available, but that seems to be how it goes.

  3. Boo - That's awesome! I'm quite happy to be blogrolled, thanks. :)

    Sarah - Really? I find that outside of creepily-young (like, 18--I know it's only a couple years younger than me but they might be in high school and that's just wrong), the older they are, the more, ah, open-minded they tend to be. YMMV and all that, I guess.

  4. I'm just talking about the ease of picking someone up in public- I'm vanilla enough myself that I don't have specific requirements in that regard. :) older men do tend to be better in bed overall but younger ones are trainable.

  5. I've never had any interest in dudes my own age. Sad, I know.

    On the other hand, I am and may always be attracted to younger women, which may be perfectly normal, shameful, a result of not meeting enough available women my age, or some blend of the three.
