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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mystery porn.

Someone mailed me an enormous catalog of gay porn. Not emailed, physically mailed to my house. I'm really hoping this was unrelated to the blog and is just a mysterious gift from the Porn Fairy. Thank you, Porn Fairy! Unless you're stalking me or something. In which case: this house contains a pitbull and a lot of guns, Porn Fairy!

But it was awesome, because if I didn't have a Porn Fairy I would never have found out that yes, there is paramedic porn.

I'm ordering this.


  1. I'm surprised you're surprised that EMT porn exists. What subject or genre *hasn't* been made in a "plus naked" edition?

    So you like gay porn? How do you feel about lesbian stuff? More importantly, can you explain why people enjoy stuff not about (and sometimes not even aimed at) them?

  2. Bruno - Well, it wasn't common. I mean, firefighter porn is all over the place, but EMT porn is at least a niche interest. (According to a review I found, they did bother to rent an ambulance--I was worried that wasn't a given--and even have a scene involving the portable suction.)

    To be honest, I don't really like any porn. It's more of an amusement than a "like like" thing. However, if I did like gay porn it would have to do with the tremendous number of good-looking naked men, as well as just the general "hey, someone's having sex!" Pavlovian response.

    I suspect that gay men in porn are more likely to be actually gay than women in "girl-girl" scenes are.

  3. Let me know if there is ME porn.

  4. Williamthecoroner - A search reveals... hm. Definitely not a lot of coroner porn, but hey!

    Scroll down to scene 3 and try not to think about the phrase "you’d sort of expect her to throw a bucket of piss over her head before puking in a bowl." I mean, I don't know about you, but I always expect that.
