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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

An attack of horny.

I woke up at about three this morning with the kind of sexual appetite I haven't had in a good ten months. I was just lying in bed and my mind started racing through every good fuck I'd ever had. I put my hands up to the headboard and I was holding on to it on to it for leverage and dear life with my feet on a man's shoulders. I rolled over and I was riding a man and feeling him thrust up at me with my hands pinning his wrists above his head. Another man, behind me, rocking me forward with the force of his thrusts. They were all memories and they were all so real the feelings shot through me like electricity.

I masturbated of course, and it wasn't like normal. My hips were rolling with it and I had my teeth clenched, willing myself not to scream out loud. When I came it seemed to last for minutes, an orgasm that went on and on as I writhed helpless in its grasp. Afterwards my whole skin was so flushed and sensitive that the mere touch of sheets on my skin was druglike ecstasy. The feelings took hours to fade and I didn't fall back asleep until dawn. Even now I imagine a strange hyper-real quality to the world, my sense of touch amplified and weird little twinges of pleasure coming from the most mundane actions.

The really funny thing is that the feeling I'm getting from all this is not "whoa, this is kinda crazy," but "oh thank God, I'm returning to normal." My sexuality over the last year has been kind of weirdly muted and reluctant, trying to be slutty and kinky not because I must but because I sorta figure I should, and I think this is what it used to feel like to be me.

I'm going out on a slightly silly Internet Self Diagnosis limb now, but I blame my weight. I've gone up and down a couple times in the past and I know that when I get really fat I don't menstruate. This has been the case for about ten months. (No, I'm not pregnant.) Now, while hardly thin, I'm shopping in the L section rather than the XL again and I wonder if it's changed my hormones somehow. I would bet money that I'm going to get my period within about fourteen days.

Whatever the cause, I love being horny. I hope I stay this way forever.


  1. This past year has kinda been a bit of a downer for me drive low and all...I think there's something in the air. It seems to be clearing up though, for both of us :-)

  2. Horny is a nice place to be. Doubly so if you've got someone you like an awful like to play with...

  3. When I came it seemed to last for minutes, an orgasm that went on and on as I writhed helpless in its grasp.

    Sometimes this makes me wish I was a woman. I've probably never had an orgasm that lasted more than thirty seconds.

  4. I've gained weight in recent months and it's left me hating myself, hating how I look, and not wanting anyone to touch me.

    There's a good chance that it's not just hormones for you either, but also your mental state. It's so much easier to be horny when happy.

  5. I have a hard time feeling aroused if I'm out of sorts. It's so much easier when I'm at peace with the world and my place in it.

    Best of luck!

  6. There is a lot of erotica on the web, and your blog is a shining, bright spot in the West Coast USA sub-genre.

    Should I mention I had a great weekend? I did, really.
    I'm glad you're back, I'm busy with spring cleaning and a bit of mental floss. I'm glad things worked out well at least for the moment with CC, and hope that you and he will manage more emotional attachment if that's what you want.
