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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fuckin' outside.

I had a fun first yesterday--first time fucking outside. It was sunny and warm and a friend and I found a nice secluded spot off a nature trail and he did me up against a cedar tree. I have to admit, it wasn't as different as I'd hoped; being fucked puts me into such a happy little bubble that I could be on the surface of Mars and I'd barely know it. Sun and dirt and forest are lovely things, but I just wasn't thinking about the scenery.

We could hear people passing by on the trail. I don't think any of them noticed us.

The only real bummer part about fucking outside was that we couldn't really cuddle after. We hugged, but a proper lazy bed-cuddle would've meant rolling in the dirt and stinging nettles.

Fucking outside makes me feel like an animal. In a good way. Fucking started outside, man. You and me baby, ain't nothing but mammals.


  1. Heh. Have I got a story for you.

  2. the lady I'm seeing hasn't done it before and is worried about the rocks and bug bites and stuff.

    But we're meeting up in a couple weeks, so I'm definitely going to have to find a good place for us to go...

  3. Bruno - Well, you've got my email...

  4. First time I had sex outdoors we had a blanket on a low hill overlooking a river. The sun was setting, the spring peepers where chirping. It was sweet!
    And then the mosquitos found us. I'm not sure if I lost my hard on due to the mood being shot or blood loss.

    Anyway, good to hear you had fun!


  5. try it on a Harvard campus lawn sometime... just make sure you're drunk, or you might worry about just how open and exposed you really are.

  6. I am so envious, curse you.
