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Tuesday, June 1, 2010


One of the 800 pounds of possessions that I just finished moving (phew) is a big framed photo of my father. I love and look up to my dad and it's a very cool photo--it shows him in a Harvard physics lab circa 1975, surrounded by scientific equipment and the giant, refrigerator-shaped, blinking-light-covered behemoths that passed for computers at the time. So I want to hang up this picture, but I have a problem:

Where in the room can I put it so I can be 100% certain that I won't make eye contact while having sex?


  1. The inside of your closet door. You can leave the door open to see the picture whenever you want and close it when it'll be creeptastic.

  2. Can you put it in a room besides the bedroom?

  3. How about if you drape something across the top of the frame like a valance over a window, that you could drop down to cover his eyes?

  4. You could put it on the ceiling right over your bed and decide to only engage in anal sex from now on -- that should ensure that it stays in the 'safe zone.'

  5. Anywhere you want - as long as it's turned backwards. ;-)

  6. If hanging it in another room is an option, I vote for the kitchen. The lab equipment, and cooking, sort of remind me of each other. Plus, it's a relatively sex-free zone.
