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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Not dead!

Okay, it's definitely not appendicitis and it's most likely not Flesh-Eating Parasitic Hellbeast Disease either. Probably a kidney infection? Which is bad, but not surgery bad or "set your affairs in order" bad. I'm still waiting on lab results for a definitive diagnosis but the doctor assures me that I am not dying.



EDIT: "Abdominal pain, cause unknown, call us if anything changes." Fuck! It's equal parts aggravating (thanks for the help, guys) and embarrassing (they presumably think I'm a crazy drug-seeking hypochondriac now).


  1. Darn. I was slowly warming up to the idea of you having Flesh-Eating Parasitic Hellbeast Disease.

    Does it burn when you pee? Because then you could combine a few different kinks all at once and have yourself a one-gal party.

  2. 1. yay for not dying.
    2. @LS - HEH!

  3. As someone who has had a lot of ESRD patients in the past, I am very happy they caught this early enough that you may get out with oral antibiotics and no hospital time. Pleae get well. Kink at your discretion but boy does this open up new vistas for discussion of informed consent.

  4. Yay for not dying indeed! Feel better Holly!

  5. I suggest avoiding, in any of your kinking for the near future, any kidney strikes. *shudders*

    It's good that you're feeling better. I'll admit to having been slightly worried on your behalf! Get better soon and keep being awesome.


  6. Ooh. My girlfriend has PCOS, not a fun thing.

  7. According to my doctor, adding some cranberry juice to your normal dietary juices can help reduce your incidence. Used to get urinary tract infections pretty regularly until I did this, but now I rarely even get a hint of one. He also says cranberries can help clear up an infection.

  8. Cranberries change the acidity of urine to make it less hospitable to bacteria, and also reduce the capacity for bacterial colonies to stick to the urinary tract.

    Celery seed tea is also effective at taking out UTIs but it tastes horrible.

  9. So long as they don't treat it with G-23 paxilon hydrochlorate...

  10. Oregano oil has been known to act as a "natural antibiotic" without the side effects. You put a few drops under your tongue and let them absorb. Tastes like a monkey's ass though.

  11. previous anon, if it kills those bacteria, then it must have the side-effects too... as terry pratchet writes somewhere, arsenic is natural, too - mother earth actually doesn't care THAT much about us.

  12. Paxilon hydrochlorate might explain a lot.

    -- LS

  13. I've used cranberry juice to clear up UTIs in the past, too. Then I found a better solution: have frequent sex so my body stays used to having foreign lube and other fluids in the area! Now I only ever get UTIs if I have at least a three day break between sex.

  14. You're only a drug seeker if you keep going back and asking for more.

    1. You may also be undermedicated. (Not saying it's always one or the other. Just that "asking for more drugs" is not, in itself, proof you don't need more drugs.)
