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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Photos.

Augh! I slept through my alarm (actually, I deliberately and defiantly hit "snooze" 20 times) and now I have no time to write a post!

Here's two pictures from the Thanksgiving festivities, then.


My back, after fingernail and Magic Marker adventures.

Yep, that's Rowdy's arm.

As always, it makes me sad that the photos don't show how much laughter and cuddling there was and how very full of turkey and friendship we all were. I always worry that showing the gritty parts out of context makes everything seem sleazy and doesn't convey how happy the whole experience was. It was very happy.

Also, I'm vaguely aware that one day my real identity will probably be associated with this blog and that the pictures will probably make more trouble than any little ol' opinions I have on it. But screw you, hypothetical persecution of my hypothetical self, we're all naked under our clothes.

...and more of us that you'd ever expect are naked and covered with bloody scratches and "SLUT" under our clothes.


  1. The fist and the eager hands openign a pussy bring back fond and also at the same time sad memories of my love & I enjoying ourselves.

  2. From what I could see of your face, you looked pretty happy and peaceful to me! I've never tried either of these things, or many of the things you write about (I fly a slightly different freak flag), but I have no judgment of them (why some folks get threatened by what's right for someone else has never made any sense to me), and I like to think that the people who know you and love you wouldn't judge you either. Thanks for the bravery and humour, in your writing and your life. Keep your freak flag proudly flyin'! :)

  3. >how very full of turkey and friendship we all were

    But what does Rowdy think about you calling him a turkey?

  4. This entry made me really happy. Also, randomly and I hope it's ok to say - you have the cutest curly hair in the first photo! I want hair like yours!

  5. ...and how very full of turkey and friendship we all were.

    Okay, that's just unsanitary.

  6. I love having my love bruises and love bites and love scratches under my clothes. It makes me feel sexy and wanted and loved.

  7. I can't make myself care about being associated with my nudie pics all that much. I'm not ashamed of them. I haven't even pioneered anything.

  8. I think you are so right, I have been 'discovered' my some people and I am have decided that I proud of my body and my D/s relationship. Both of then make me happy and I proud to share and write about them, if others don't like it or approve then hit the little red X and close the box, thats what I say.


  9. Everybody else is being philosophical but I hope you don't mind me saying you have a cute ass.

  10. I WAS UNPREPARED FOR A FISTING PIC. I'm unsure as to what I was expecting after reading the title, but it was not that. The amount of (unexpected, imagining it in my head I was fine) intense horror I experienced viewing that has led me to conclude fisting is probably not my cup of tea. Especially considering that, no matter how much lube we use, and now ridiculously wet I may get, my vag can jusssst barely accommodate my dude's dick and one finger. So yeah. Good for you, but oh my god I am just realizing how not into that I am.

  11. For Svutlana you be extreme brave and thoughtful womens, Ms Holly. Fist no look sleazy for me, but first impression be little bit like scene from obstetrics suite. Upon further review and reflections, Svutlana grow for appreciate sexual intensities.
    And you give Svutlana ideas for Saturday night with Sharpie.

  12. I knew I wasn't going to be the first to say you have cute hair. xD

  13. "I knew I wasn't going to be the first to say you have cute hair. xD "

    Girls are so funny (I'm a girl so I can say it, Yo.) Ok, I guess, in this case, it's Kink girls, but still. Faced with a pic of you scratched and bloody and marked and being fisted, the first thought is "OMG, I love your hair". HA HA HA HA HA. Girls are so girly sometimes. (not that there's anything wrong with that LOL)

  14. Aw, thanks for the nice comments on my hair. :)

    You want girly? I look at that picture and all I can think is "wow, I have no ass at all."

  15. The pictures of you made me smile - mostly because I looked at your body and went, 'huh, it kind of looks like mine and she's not afraid to have it over the internet'.

    If I may say so, I think you look lovely.

  16. Heh, Rowdy has the same arm freckle pattern as me. Also, I always thought of fisting as omgOW, but you look pretty comfy there. Hm...
