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Sunday, December 12, 2010


Rowdy and I had been fucking for a good (oh, a good) while. We'd actually gotten to my can't-talk-can't-think point and come out the other side still playing. In an insatiable mood, but figuring Rowdy was starting to get worn out, I started using the Hitachi Magic Wand on myself. Silly me. Rowdy grabbed it and started fucking me again while grinding the wand into the intersection of our bodies.

In the middle of the rapid-fire, blinding mess of orgasms that came (and came and came and oh God came) after that, I felt something... different. Good but not exactly better, not some amazing explosion, and not some gigantic spurting tidal-wave gush of fluid. Just different. I reached down and the wetness there was thinner and much more copious than usual. "Did I just...?" I asked, and neither of us was sure. Afterwards, there was a little puddle on the bed where I'd been.

Did I squirt, or just get wetter than usual, or, um, pee a little bit? I don't know, and honestly, I don't really care. (I kinda hope it wasn't pee.) Whether I hit some arbitrary milestone or not, I had some fantastic orgasms and that matters a hell of a lot more to me. I know some guys are into squirting because "it's the female orgasm you can see!", but seriously now, nobody's at risk of not noticing my orgasms. (I mean, nobody in Middlesex County, seriously.) If it doesn't feel different than, eh, nice party trick I guess.

But it's cool to see what my body's capable of. And a little brain-breaking to have some of it be things that serious grownups will seriously argue don't exist. It's like having the goddamn Loch Ness Monster in my vagina.


  1. I've never understood grown-ass men and women denying the existence of squirting. Been there, seen it, had a mattress's life expectancy shortened by a bout with a squirter. It's real.

    But it's like the Jersey Devil. Not like I can provide pictures of it.

  2. Agreed it's real. When I was much younger and clueless, the first time I was all like "Holy crappe! Did you just pee on me!?!?" And she was all like, "No, you fucken dumshitte!" lolz

  3. I was surprised to find how many women feel pressured to squirt when people ask them about it. When I marry again I'm going to be sure not to ask or otherwise fish for the information; it's not like it's some kind of decision point. As far as I can tell from women who do it it usually doesn't do a thing to improve the orgasm for women who aren't selling instructional books or videos.

  4. Amen, Mousie. I've had a lot of previous partners eagerly ask if I squirt and then get all pouty and disappointed when I said no (or rather, "not so far, and I feel it's not likely, but who knows?").

    It pisses me off. Don't fucking tell me that I don't orgasm the "right" way.

  5. Welcome. Once you start you can't stop... or so I've been told :-)

  6. I was JUST having a repeat conversation about the Loch Ness Squirt with a male friend of mine. The research out there sucks (for proof), and he's a "it's not real if I haven't seen it" kind of guy. Ugh.

  7. It seems to me the problem would be easily solved by filming a squirter. Once they've seen it, people have to admit it exists, right? And it's not something like the G-spot where filming is somewhat difficult-- it actually clearly exists.

  8. Ugh, change "exists" to "can be shown on videotape." Don't know what my fingers were typing.

  9. Ozymandias, it's been filmed lots of times. You can buy many many DVDs focusing on it if you wish.

    Scientifically the problem is it's not distinguishable from urination on film.

  10. Mousie and Ozy - I think the answer here is to film a woman deliberately peeing as hard as she can during sex, to prove that it looks totally different.

    Comrade PhysioProf - Um, no offense, but what is it with you and swear words? It's not self-censorship, it's just... spelled wrong. I'm not sure I see the pointte of thatte.

  11. *gets a harpoon and a camera to hunt in your vagina*

  12. I don't want to look (family computer yay!) but I would bet cash that there already is woman-peeing-as-hard-as-she-can-during-sex porn.

    Now I'm starting to worry if it would look different. Which hole is the squirting supposed to come out of? I would know, except that I tend to be rather... distracted... during the squirting process.

  13. I'd do a lot to guarantee that I never squirted again in my life - grass is always greener and all that.

  14. Svutlana believe 100% in squirt, however no believe me in Squirt du Soleil where it become circus act that womens be expect for perform. It be Svutlana preference for no squirt because like self-contain orgasm that no leave puddle, but sometime squirt happen anyway. This be perversity of squirt. It tend for dump on those who no want it and refuse for come for those who try and try for coax it.

  15. Huh. Not a squirter...unless you want to count the lactating. That can involve some squirting and get really messy. Puddles. Yuck.

    Feeling your pain. And rather glad that my problems are currently north of the border...

  16. There's a great book on the subject by Deborah Sundahl called Female Ejaculation & The G-Spot. The prevailing theory is that the fluid produced in female ejaculation is brewed up by stimulation of the female version of the prostate, called Skene's glands, which are located along the urinary tract just on the other side of the ridged bit of flesh in the vaginal canal known as the g-spot (man, that was a long sentence). The fluid is expelled from the same hole that pee comes from, yes, and probably uses some of the same processes in the body.

    I experimented with the stimulation techniques in Sundahl's book and, after a week, I found that even after peeing I still had this strange feeling of fullness/pressure. Then, while playing with myself one day, I felt a strong urge, I let it go and ejaculated. The pressure feeling was gone after that. There was no question in my mind what had happened, and I found that it was easier toget to that point after that. I tried it a few more times on my own but in the end there wasn't much point, as it wasn't as pleasureable for me as orgasm (they are not in fact the same thing).

    That was over a year ago, and since then it's happened once with a partner. I wasn't expecting it but we were having a long, long, hot session of PIV sex with me on top and I felt that feeling in me rising. I hadn't talked to him about it and I was super embarrassed but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to keep from ejaculating unless we stoppped having sex entirely. So I managed to choke out "Um, uh... how do you feel about female ejaculation?" "Um, fine?" he said. So I let go and it just poured out of me, soaked him, soaked the mattress, a ridiculous amount of fluid. He was bemused by it but not upset.

  17. perversecowgirl It pisses me off. Don't fucking tell me that I don't orgasm the "right" way.

    No way! I've had the total opposite reaction, and I do squirt. I guess there's always something wrong with the way women have orgasms, because it isn't like porn. And it's not like I can "hold it in" unless they want me to not have an orgasm altogether.

    For me it usually happens with the most intense orgasms and intense fucking. I can't control it and I can't make it happen, but from the taste and smell I can definately say it's not piss. It smells like semen and maybe clorine, and it really doesn't have a real taste to it.

    Holly and Ozy, I've read (and believe in some cases) that they fill porn actresses vagina with water and then make them use those muscles to get it out. Then it comes from the right source and looks right and all that.

    I know from my own experience that sometime the amount of liquid can be just ridiculous, so much so, that I'd want to deny it's from my body. Still, I've seen so much squirting porn, and some of it just seems unbelievable in the quantity, in the actions and timing or just entirely unlikely.

    Squirting is actually really embarrassing with a new partner, with people coming to visit (I have to always remember to cove up the bed because it looks ghastly) and relating to friends, even. Some don't believe which baffles me, and start to explain to me how the female reproduction system is supposed to work. Because, you know, it's just that I haven't been exposed to the right theories.

    I don't really understand why anyone would want to learn it, though. It's not cool, it's just an emission that's not talked about too much. Our sheets are always wet or dirty and mattresses look awful - like we have a toddler sleeping with us. It doesn't change the orgasm, it's just the end result.

  18. I have squirted, and in my experiance it takes just the right amount of pressure in just the right place to make it happen. I can't seem to manage it alone, and for me, only fingers can achieve it, however its not the type of orgasm I strive for, for me its those deep internal muscle rippling orgams that I crave.

