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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Retroactive pedophilia.

You know what's always a really awkward experience? Seeing pictures of someone you're sleeping with, when they were a child. Especially if they're the sort of person who didn't change much with age, so as a kid they kinda had the same face.

"Wow, I know exactly what that eight-year-old will look like in twenty years... with a cock in his mouth."



  1. I once saw pictures of my girlfriend as an infant. In one she was in the bath with only sparse soap suds covering her vulva.

    Definitely awkward.

  2. When I was a kid, I didn't allow myself to fantasize about girls my own age, because I was worried about retaining those fantasies when I got older, thus making myself a dirty Dahmer dude.

    Good thing I avoided THAT!

  3. There's a picture of Kerry when she was just a baby -- at MOST a year old -- with a stuffed aardvark in the crib with her.

    The picture's too old & faded to tell if the aardvark was wearing a clown suit, though.

  4. Have you seen this photo project where the photographer has adults pose and dress the same as in a childhood picture?

  5. "Wow, I know exactly what that eight-year-old will look like in twenty years... with a cock in his mouth."

    I definitely heard this in the voice of Darrell Hammond as Sean Connery on SNL Celebrity Jeopardy.
