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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Search term.

I was going through my site analytics the other day, looking at my traffic and the search terms that bring people to the blog--both to give me an idea of what content works for readers, and to amuse myself with the fact that I get searches for "i am a 30 year old female and whatever deorderant i use its not helping what can i use"and"woman anus poo blog."

One search term stood out to me; someone had searched on it thirty-one different times.

"rowdy loves holly pervocracy."

All of the searches were from one person, in rapid succession, using different search engines. One person who lived in the same town as me. And one person who had done this on purpose, knowing I check my search terms, to send me a message. A message written in Google and Yahoo, Bing and Ask.

Rowdy had sent me a love note through the Internet.


  1. Let me be the first of many to say: D'awwww.

    (Crap. This didn't post the first time, and by the time the page refreshed, I wasn't the first any more. Ah well. My d'awwww still stands.)

  2. There is not a ":3 d'aaaaawwwwwwwww" big enough. We don't have the technology to construct it.

  3. Awwwwww. Geek love! So cute.

  4. That is adorable, and allow me to add one more d'awaawwwww to the pile.


    P.S.: I think Karen Finley already had a show called "woman anus poo blog," be careful or she might sue you...

  6. That is so very cute.

  7. Allow me to add my D'AWWWWWWW to the masses. ^^

  8. That is quite possibly the cutest thing ever. ::tears up::

  9. That is cuter than puppies, otters and baby ducklings put together.

  10. That is so obscenely cute that I think I lost a portion of my brain to it.

    You are incredibly lucky to have someone who loves you that much.

  11. Since you already got all the "AWWWWW!!!" responses, how about this interpretation? The only way to get your attention is to pretend to be a random blog searcher on the Internet!

    Of course, I'm just kidding around! It really is insanely cute. But you know what's even cuter? THIS:

  12. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww rowdy

  13. Yet another "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww." Too cute.

  14. It really is sweet geek. The subtlety of it makes my toes curl in "squee"!

  15. That is so sweet. I shall twenty-second the 'aww'!

  16. The Internet: is there anything it can't do?

  17. So cuuute! I seriously "awwwww'd" out loud.

  18. This post is full of awesome

  19. Awwwww that is absolutely awesome. Wish I could think of things so geeky and cute. Wonder how the idea came to him? Because it can't be said enough: awwwwww!

  20. This is just so adorable. And I know from adorable. I used to work in a pet store.

  21. ...okay I know my geek credentials suck right now because I don't get how he did that.
    But yeah. aw. is teh cutes

  22. Wow, what a guy! Romance is not dead - it's playing hide and seek. Awesome.

  23. Let me be the 50th person to tell you that that is so amazingly cute.

    Also, I love how your blog can go from hilariously dirty to poignantly beautiful in the space of two paragraphs.

  24. At first I was all, "oh noes you have a stalker!"
    Then I was all, "that is cuter than kittens riding unicorns while they both fart rainbows."

  25. Oh! So cute!

    Real love consitutes of knowing the one you love well enough to know how to express your love to them.


    The universe is showing you signals! It is fate!

  26. That is so sweet and clever. Awwww.
