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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dangerous Flavors.

I love kissing a man who's been smoking. Like licking an ashtray? Hah. Like licking a mouth sharp and bitter with the thick flavor of the forbidden. A man who smokes has an edge of compulsion to him, of self-destruction, of being at once a bad boy and powerless before his desires.

I like drinkers too. Not when they're full-on drunk, not when they've gotten to the stage of being over-emotional or uncoordinated, but a guy who's had a few drinks just tastes good. And I love that little hint of clumsiness in a slightly drunken man, the way he puts just a little more or less force than he'd intended into everything.

Even coffee. As vices go it's milder, but it symbolizes another kind of self-destruction, the self-destruction of the good boy. You drink alcohol to play, but you drink coffee to work, and you drink a lot of coffee when work is draining you. A man full of coffee is a man without time for sex--oh, but he made time for me.

Then again, conversely, stank-breath says it's not all about me. It says he didn't put his lifestyle on hold for me, that when I breathe him in I'm taking him as he is. He doesn't need to make himself pretty. (Note, however, that this only applies to the bad-boy scents above, and if you have stank-breath from onions or bad teeth, for the love of God eat a freaking Altoid.)

The flavors of tobacco, of beer, and of coffee are bitter and a little brutal, and for that reason sexy as all hell.


  1. I absolutely LOVE kissing smokers, male and female.
    (Actually, I think that the taste of non-smokers is somewhat lacking.)
    I also like the nicotine smell on fingers. (Mine included; I smoke from time to time.)

  2. God, it makes me feel so much better that I'm not the only one who thinks that (although it might just be self-defense, since I indulge heavily in all three vices)

  3. I've only been with a smoker once. Kissing wasn't too bad, but I was surprised that her cunt tasted ashy too.

  4. svollga - One benefit of smokers is that if they do have a little of the bad-teeth stank-breath going, the smoke flavor covers it nicely; in non-smokers when there's no strong flavor I think you notice smaller annoyances more.

    Bruno - Huh. I haven't noticed any significant differences in smoker cock or come.

  5. I'm with you on the coffee and booze, but tobacco makes me queasy. I would rather be with someone who doesn't bathe regularly than with someone who smokes. yuck

  6. Oh, the taste of scotch and pussy on my husband's lips are intoxicating to me. Yum.

  7. No thanks. I've kissed a smoker and it tasted terrible.

  8. Though I don't enjoy the actual taste, I entirely get the psychology behind this.

  9. Right, note to self: eat roadkill, make Holly swoon. Check.

  10. As an ex-smoker, I avoid kissing smokers because it makes me want a cigarette, haha. But oh man, do I totally get what you mean! I still kinda like it.

    And mmmm, alcohol on a dude's lips? Yes. And yes, to the endearingness of a little bit of drunk.

    Yeah, I basically just got really excited by this post. ;)

  11. a lover who just came back inside and their hair smells like fresh air mingled with fresh smoke and their kisses taste like burnt marshmallows? YES PLEASE.


  12. HEY! I haven't checked in in a couple years, glad you're still here! One of your fans is also a fan of my site. We had drinks the other night and she mentioned your blog, which was such a coincidence, given this vast sea of sex bloggery!

    Then the next night she fucked around with my man who has total Whiskey Tobacco breath and we talked about how hot that is. And then you posted this simultaneously. Ole!

  13. This is much weirder to me than the kinky stuff. Enjoying bad breath is one bridge further than I can follow you. :D
