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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Disaster Averted.

I didn't say anything about my appearance (which wasn't that bad, I was able to cover the leg bruises and the shoulder bruises are starting to fade) and no one else said anything either.

Five minutes into the hike--which turned out to be more of a climb--I was so covered in mud and new bruises that no one could possibly tell anyway.

Good time though. It's a risky habit and it damages your body, but if some weirdo is into that sort of thing, well, I guess they're not hurting anyone who didn't ask for it.


  1. you make a good point. I remember when I was a brand new baby-perv (well, a baby in terms of actual perv experience, not age, obviously), and therefore Really Excited About Sharing My Thoughts (!!1!elventy!!!), having a conversation about masochism with a friend who was massively into american football and hockey. He kept saying "I just don't get how you could *want* someone to hurt you, and *enjoy*, for fun..." and couldn't understand why I kept laughing hysterically.

  2. It'll be at least June before you can definitively say no one said anything about the bruises, though at least if she broaches the subject now you can deny the existence of non-hiking bruises and she can't prove otherwise.

    Of course, not saying isn't the same as not noticing. It may just be that she doesn't want to think about it, which I suppose constitutes "getting off easy."

    Fun fact: yesterday my girlfriend bruised her knees ... doing yoga on a too-thin mat (that's not a euphemism).

  3. Where'd you go hiking?

    I found east coast trails were a lot more vertical and less thought out than out west. Here, it seems like they just pick a direction and GO, regardless of obstacles...

  4. Lawrence - On Mt. Greylock. And I agree; out west they understand how to use switchbacks, whereas some of the trails we took just went up. Thunderbolt Trail on that mountain is 2275 vertical feet in 2 miles; that's not a trail, that's a freaking cliff.

  5. It's a risky habit and it damages your body

    Yeah. Hiking is fucking rough.

  6. Try Monadnock up in southwestern NH. The wife and I hiked it back in '04 or so; it's a few hours up tp the top, and often crowded, but a fun, fun hike, and the view is gorgeous.

  7. I once worked on a difficult aikido wristlock with a really big guy for a solid hour. The next day, I had clear, brown, unmistakeable handprints on both forearms. Four fingers and a thumb.

    I wore long sleeves to work for several days, because while my immediate co-workers would have gotten it, I was worried about other members of the department who might feel (reasonably) that I was in need of protection. My backup plan would have been to give them Sensei's phone number, but just as well not to need it.
