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Monday, May 24, 2010

Quick moderation note.

From this post on I will be giving PUA/MRA trolls one comment of the same type. I think that removing opposing viewpoints, even completely dickish ones, damages a blog's integrity, and I don't want to make The Pervocracy into a place where only agreement is tolerated. Even saying "intelligent disagreement is welcome" seems like too much of a wedge in the "this blog isn't for discussing things, this blog is for telling me I'm awesome" door.

However, 8 posts in the same thread of "You need to debate every MRA/PUA in the world or that means they're right" is getting repetitive, and tends to drown out and distract from real discussions. Therefore, if you want to troll me, you have to say different things in each comment. You get one comment posting inane links that I must go debate now, and one comment insulting my anus, but not two of a kind. If you post and post and post and post the same thing, I'm going to delete all but one. (Per anywhere, not per post. Therefore, all future "but the Female Masculist says..." comments will be zapped because you've already had more than your share.) Sound fair?


  1. As trolls go, these have been unoriginal and largely unfunny. So if anything, I feel like your new policy is more even-handed than they deserve.


  2. Guess if you only get to make one "buttslut" comment, ever, you really have to cherish it. :)

  3. Hole-y Is A ButtslutMay 25, 2010 at 12:07 AM

    assfdfhfdhfh go read the Female Masculist, you fascist.

    No, nvm, disregard that, I suck cocks. I agree to be held to this policy and will consider myself suitably chastened if you feel my comments are repetitive or unconstructive and delete them.

  4. In your position I'd leave them be. This feels like an admission that they're getting to you and sounds like a lot of work.

  5. They're getting to ME...sometimes it looked like an interesting discussion was about to form but it got all clouded up with inane bullshit. GO TEAM HOLLY.

  6. ...Also, the troll doesn't even make SENSE. You last post was about asking your bf for a spanking and both of you having superhot orgasms when he complied. Bubblehead responded that this is an example of why no guy will ever get any pussy by listening to what women say they want. Buh? That's not even a "really jerkish dissenting opinion". That's just the ramblings of a moron.

    I suspect under the new system, Bubblehead won't be creative enough to come up with new material and will take his ball and go home. And I'm good with that.

  7. Personally I think you're awesome, and only wish you were twins so I could add your ages together so you weren't half my age....

  8. Oh for goodness' sake. This is the part where I take *my* ball and go home, just to avoid listening to the obnoxious self-righteous postings of WRONG commentators with far too much time on their hands. Reading Pervocracy comments is fun, but you're totally right; it's only fun when it's new.

  9. If I had the time, and I certainly don't, I'd be tempted to hunt down a few *male* bloggers who say that men are useless scum and women are teh rule, just to see if it makes their heads explode. I'm sure they exist.

  10. @Not Me: "... *male* bloggers who say that men are useless scum and women are teh rule..... I'm sure they exist."

    They do. But you're wise to not bother - it's as nonsensical and nauseating as the misogyny. Life's too short.

