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Saturday, October 16, 2010

How good life can be.

I just spent this evening in bed with two wonderful people. There was a little fucking and a lot of snuggling and a whole big lot of laughter. I spent the day before with a whole bunch of wonderful friends, with almost as much snuggling and even more laughter.

Ten years ago, I was pretty sure I'd never have sex and I figured I'd never have too many friends, either. At the most I figured I'd stumble into some sort of dating relationship eventually, maybe, if I was lucky and I wasn't picky. I figured bullies and indifferent strangers would always surround me and I'd always be lonely inside.

And one year ago, although I certainly had established my sex and relationship bona fides by then, I still never dreamed I'd be this happy. Even then I never dreamed I'd have this many friends and lovers and that they'd be as awesome as they are.

My days are happy and my nights are wild and I'm never lonely anymore. Life is fast and crazy and good.

I can't say "well, good thing I didn't kill myself back when I was a sad-sack," because I'm just not made to ever consider that, but I can say that I'm glad I stuck it out. I'm glad I didn't give up or settle. I'm glad I kept chasing joy. Because I've motherfuckin' caught it.


  1. Have you seen the "It gets better" videos people have been making for Dan Savage? This just reminds me of that.

  2. :D I'm happy for you, and happy to have at least one proof of the Life Keeps Getting Better Principle.

  3. Rock on, you wonderful slut. :)

  4. I totally discovered the Life Keeps Getting Better principle on accident, and independently. It's so true. It's worth pushing through, it's worth hanging on for it. :) Good for you!

  5. I was gonna mention the It Gets Better project but somebody beat me to it. Might I suggest you make a video for it yourself, Holly? Or, even better, a video with you, Rowdy and Sprite.

    My bf and I would do one but the project is supposed to be for and by LGBT folks so we don't quite qualify. You enjoy occasional secks with teh womenz, though, so you're good to go. :D

  6. Aww... you're such a sweetheart.

  7. You are a perfect human being, and you make me happy.
