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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I'm doing a lot better and will probably go home tomorrow. I still have some pain but it's no longer double-over-crying bad, and my fever is miraculously gone. Turns out the mono is complicated by hepatitis (not the ABCDEFG kind, the "the infection done monkeyed up your liver but good" kind) so I have these unsettling yellow eyes at the moment, but that'll go away too.

Thanks so much to everyone who sent their well-wishes; when I'm lying here feeling about 98 years old it makes a huge difference to know I have friends who care.

In other news, I made the list of Top 100 Sex Bloggers of 2010! I'm #54! Yay! *holds up extremely large and complicated foam hand* And huge congratulations to Quizzical Pussy for making #4 (holy crap) and everyone else on the list. Sexblogging isn't just typing, it's... typing about sex.

This is why you shouldn't write your acceptance speech while on intravenous narcotics.


  1. This is why you shouldn't write your acceptance speech while on intravenous narcotics.

    They say good writing is writing you do for yourself. From experience (high school English, anyone?), I can say that writing is way more fun on IV narcotics. So ... maybe you /should/ write your acceptance speech that way.

  2. Oh, I'm glad you're doing better!

  3. Glad to hear you're doing better! And your hospitalized narcotized acceptance speech was much better than I did when I typed a hospitalized narcotized "won't be updating for a while" post.

  4. Hope you get well soon! At least you know WTF it is now. Mono sucks, my liver and spleen were uber pissed off when I had it and I landed in the hospital for 2 days due to dehydration. I'm sure that doesn't sound familiar or anything... You can find info on the internets, but basically if you sleep a lot and push fluids you'll get better. Avoid any liver-intensive drugs like tylenol, and greasy food will make you feel like you got punched in the gut.

    Also, if your mom or anyone else gets nosy and wants to know how you caught it, you can claim that you had a sip of a friend's beverage. It's another legit way that mono spreads.

    Back to lurking, feel free to ask questions though.

  5. Well, I've never had mono that I know of, but I had my appendix removed, that was kinda fun. Started as Nonspecific Abdominal Pain that wasn't in the right place for appendicitis... and then, 4 hours later, it moved down to where my appendix should be. A short trip to the ER later they put me under (THAT'S an interesting experience: you don't even notice going out -- it must be what getting shot in the head is like, just nothingness preceded by an event you can't notice because it's happened faster than your ability to notice it) and took it out with a lapriscopic procedure. I woke up with a stuffed tiger on my chest (of the stuffed animal variety) and this stinging, bloated sensation in my shoulders from where they'd blown air into my torso to have a look around. All very professional, although I couldn't move about with my usual energetic clumsiness until they removed the staples. :P

    I'm glad you Nonspecific Abdominal Pain and Massive Fever and Bloody Urine didn't turn out to be Something Terminal and instead turned out to be Something Manageable. In the meantime, there is only the long, irritating road to recovery. I wish you well upon it!

  6. I got turned into a newt, once.

  7. I hope they can send you home tomorrow. Look - I love ya so much that I created a sprite-based e-mail & started officially following your sex blog (PS- I think it's #1, although I may be biased)

  8. Number 1 sex blog, for sure! I only read three or four blogs regularly (including yours), so for strangers on the internet you're keeping company with Shapely Prose and Female Science Professor. Feel better soon!

  9. Aw, Sprite, thank you so much! You're so sweet. I'd kiss you if that wasn't biological warfare.

    ...I sure as hell will as soon as it's not.

  10. Thanks, Holly! Congratulations right back at you. I'm thirding the Pervocracy = #1 assertion.
