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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Pervocracy: now collectible!

The fantabulous Ami Angelwings made these and if this isn't worth a post of its own, I don't know what is.


  1. Very cute, and obviously made by a player of the game. Are you a big Phage the Untouchable fan?

    Rowdy might be a tighter design if it was "deals damage equal to the number of +1/+1 counters on it" instead of always 5, but I suppose then you're just remaking Voracious Dragon.

  2. Also, for what it's worth I did not expect to ever be discussing Magic card design on this blog.

  3. Anon - I didn't make them; Ami Angelwings did. But yes, I'm basically Phage the Untouchable.


  4. Those are the most amazing things ever.

    /suddenly filled with the desire to dig out my old black deck from the bottom of my dresser.

  5. I am made of envy. also feeling silly that I didn't guess Holly was a fellow magic nerd.

  6. Yus I based her on Phage xD She's actually the only card that I based on a card (there are some that may be coincidentally like other cards xD ) but when I thought of a Holly card I just thought "she's so Phage! Phage is awesome! Holly is awesome! xD" :3

  7. Ozy - Ask Ami on Manboobz; she's posting in the most recent thread right now.

  8. Ozy - I asked her, and she's working on it. :)

  9. Hells to the yes! I didn't know of anyone else who did that but us.

  10. i have an LJ card, that i made myself - but that is 20X cooler than anything i ever did! [i can't even draw a stick figure that looks right :( ]

    Ami; i had NO CLUE that you were also talented in this fashion. i'm almost beginning to hate you - first that LOVELY satire over on manboobs, now this - is there anything you CAN'T do?! i wanna be Ami when i grow up!

    Ami for President! no - Ami for Cthulu! [don't mind me, i've been up all night and have an appt with ANOTHER surgeon in 45 minutes... sigh]

  11. *hugs denelian* i hope the appt goes well! :]

    and ty xD i'm... embarrassed >_> but you're awesome too! :3

    I would ttlly run for President but then there'd be a debate about if I'm actually a cat trying to sneak into the world of humans or not, and they'd be looking for my species certificate xD

    Also Ozymandias, I've made your card but I'm not that happy w/ it :\ So I'm gonna fiddle w/ the powers of it a bit.. I have it doing what i WANT, but I think nobody would ever use it xD so I'm trying to re-jig it :3

  12. Ami;

    dude, so long as you can PROVE you were born in the US, you should be good, Presidentally-wise [ha! made a new word :D ]

    it's not like we don't have a Congress full of rats as it is!

    sorry - i'm slap happy, been awake since this time yesterday... need a nap. the appt did go pretty well [NO mention of the fact that i'm 20 pounds overweight, no judgement on my meds, no lectures on ANYTHING, and no disbelief - this was a STERLING example of what a doc appt SHOULD be. sadly, even with a giant lump in my abdomen, doctors *still* want to think i'm somehow "making it up". but this guy was cool - i'm gonna keep him, if he stays this cool :) good, cool doctors are HARD to find!]

    *hugs* of to nap...

  13. erm - that "dude" was a "I'm from California and i still think it's 1993 when EVERYONE was "dude", and it was also an exclamation". not "dude, you male person" [because so far as i know you are not male. you have spoken of being trans, so i think? you're a transwoman? erm. not trying to be rude or insensitive. i'm over-explaining because i'm exhausted, i think.
    BUT - if you are a transwoman, and you have some time, can you email me? i have a situation i could use advice on, if you're willing. hell, any trans person could help me, i think :) if you can and don't mind, my email is denelian at yahoo dot com.]

    *MOAR HUGS* if you want them :)

  14. Now all you need is one for Sprite, and you're set!

  15. Well, you can always pick one of these, I suppose.

  16. I cannot tell you how dearly I wish I had a custom magic card.

    These are just awesome.

  17. I would totally throw those in my black/red deck.

  18. I love my tempered steel if you know what I mean.

  19. Does Sprite get one too?

  20. YES! 1000 points for MTG posts on sex blogs. I just found this blog today...

    Looks like it's going to be one of those 'one ring' blogs that I just can't stop reading until I've read the whole thing, and I forget to eat and barely sleep and whenever I'm away from my computer, all I can think of is the precious that's calling to me from the internets and maybe I turn sort of monstery and get all snaggle haired, or maybe I just look like Elijah Wood's face in pain. Closeup.
