New Here?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I suppose the damage is done.

Alan and I are, because of this blog, probably No More.


I'm not sure. Probably I shouldn't be posting this or leaving the blog up. But sadly, I just don't think that liking someone as a person compensates for a total failure to meet their sexual expectations. It fucking sucks and I'm completely heartbroken but I guess in some sense it was inevitable. I'm a huge horrible pervert, he's not, and much as I want to say "it's just sex, what about us?" I have a feeling that the answer is "okay, us aren't meant to be having sex."



  1. Bruno is sad, but cannot help imagining Brandon outside your house, dressed in black latex and holding a stereo over his head to serenade you with something by The Cramps.

  2. What a pity, and how sad. I don't understand how a great relationship with a vanilla-tending boy who was okay with your being poly could suddenly fall apart about your getting your kink elsewhere, as long as you were being safe. Perhaps I'm a bit too poly positive, but I think "my sweetie and her 'Hitter'" would probably be a fun thing. I feel sorry that you lost something that was obviously (in the aggregate) wonderful for you both.

  3. It's an unfair world, Holly.
    I'm really sorry for you.

  4. I hope you're able to work it out- I understand if he's upset by what he may see as dissing his sexual prowess- but in my opinion you've always been pretty respectful and clear about having different expectations of him. I suppose it must sting to read what can be interpreted as "the sex is meh"- but you still might be able to fix it if you want to.

  5. Aww. Holly I'm so sorry! That really does suck.

    Though, I have to say, as a pervy woman, that *loves* my kink, and loves sex - for me - it NEVER works out with men that don't like the same kind of sex I do. No matter how well we click, no matter how great everything else is, if the sex isn't there.. well.. for me it's a huge deal, it's a deal breaker in fact, that's all there is to it.

  6. Oh boy... I so know where you're coming from Holly, more than I dare admit on my blog, haha...

    Go and have a cry. I'll come and join you if you like ;)


  7. To each his/her own, I guess.

    I wish more people put less emphasis on sex, though. To most people I know, it's more or less all that matters, and try as I might, I get disgusted by it. It would be so nice to be able to mutually appreciate someone as a person without having sex intrude and complicate things.

    As far as intimacy goes, forget the kinky sex and so forth. I would so much rather just lay close to someone, cuddle, talk or watch a movie or something.
