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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lifestyle choice.

Man, not only did I not choose to be attracted to both men and women, I don't even get to choose which ones.


  1. I know you were trying to go for short and sweet, but that's too vague. Needs context.

  2. So you're attracted to the wrong woman?

  3. Not Me - The context is "homosexuality is a choice!" And here I'm noting that even within a sexual orientation, nothing about sexual attraction is a choice. This ties into both my gay-marriage ranting and the "playing with unsexy people is only fair" issue in the last post.

    Bruno - Believe me, dude, I have been. Quite a few times.

  4. Me too. We should, like, start a club or something.

  5. I hear you on that. The first woman I was ever REALLY attracted to ended up being pretty much straight. If there was any choice involved in who I found attractive, I wouldn't pick people who aren't likely to reciprocate! As for all the men I've dated, I didn't exactly DECIDE to be attracted to them either. It just happened. Because that's how attraction works!

    Lifestyle choice, my ass.

  6. Am I going crazy, or is the text changing on me? The I'm sure that the "playing with unsexy people is only fair" post wasn't there before (and if I had seen it, this one would have made more sense), and I went back and checked some of my earlier postings and a couple of them no longer make any sense because other people's responses appear to have changed, but I don't see any edit option. Argh.

  7. Well if I'm still being admitted after spouting off in the last post. I make a personal policy of making the acquaintance of odd people who usually either weird others out, or just fall off the radar. Strange, but sometimes just because I'm talking to them, the creature who actually think social standing is a valid concept start talking to them.

    Maybe I'm attracted to unattractive people.

    If a woman or girl makes a bid for my attention, I have to pay her attention. That old double standard of, If you're a girl, you can get laid whenever you want.

    And why am I wasting this in your comments when I could be conducting a war on my blog?
