New Here?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Out of town.

I'm going to Boston tonight and getting back next Tuesday night. Updates will be sporadic (and agonizingly pecked out on a handheld) until then.

Oh, and I'll be 24 when I come back! (As of Sunday.) Very exciting! And sort of horrifying. I worry that might be the cutoff age for excusing all your activities with "I'm just a kid," and at the stroke of midnight I'll develop an irresistible urge to take out a mortgage and eat broccoli, or whatever the hell grownups do.


  1. Broccoli is delicious.
    Mortgages . . . . less so.
    You missed the perfect opportunity to plug in a Dropkick Murphys song.

    I'm Shipping Up to Boston

  2. Wow! We have the exact same birthday! ... I already like broccoli, but the cutoff age thing started worrying me a bit the other day. Then I decided that that's probably not worth worrying about until I turn 25. I mean, 25 is such a square age; it would make way more sense to spontaneously want a mortgage then. ... i hope.

  3. Nothing to worry about. Besides, you will make an awesome cougar.

  4. My birthday's on Wednesday and I kinda feel the same way, though I'll be turning 23... far enough from 18 and 21 to be over the excitement of "being an adult!" and close enough to 25 to be scared shitless of the prospect of "Being An Adult."
    It kind of sucks here in Boston at the moment, but the weekend is supposed to be nice. Have fun!

  5. For some reason I thought you'd be older.

  6. happy birthday ... and remember, you only have to grow up when you want to ....

  7. Don - Broccoli is good as beef and broccoli, or with melted cheese on top, but grownups eat steamed broccoli plain, ewww.

    Gwen - Birthday buddies! I'm going to say that 26 is the Age of Decrepitude this time, thus buying myself an extra year where I don't feel bad about owning plastic furniture.

    Bruno - Mrowl.

    Writeinlight - Seems like everyone's born this time of year. I'd say something dorky like "well, there's not much else to do in February," but really, I'm pretty sure my parents fucked year-round. So maybe it's just the breeding season, or something.

    RaspberrySurprise - You're like the third person to say that. I guess I'm very mature for my age. Probably because I did so many stupid things so young, I used up a lot of my lifetime allotment of stupidity by the time I was twenty. Clearly not all of it though.

    Julie - Tell that to my landlord, my boss, the IRS, the insurance companies...

  8. Just remember, when you turn 25, your car insurance gets cheaper.

  9. Don-I thought that was just a testiclesian thing.
    Holly-broccoli is good with so much more. But then again I am almost 40.(Crap, reality just set in.)

  10. Dude, I'm with the Patriarchy, maybe you've heard of us? We're kind of a big deal.
    If it happens to us, I pay attention. If it happens to Not-Us, that's Not-Us's problem.

  11. Welcome to my city! I hope you enjoy your stay in Boston.

    And I already AM 26, which just makes me depressed most days...

  12. (I tell you a secret: "being a grownup" is really about coming to terms with the fact that you know you're faking it.)

  13. I do wish people would stop with that Cougar nonsense. I haven't heard (read) you say, "Huck the Fuskys" even once :D

    I thought you had to be 35+ to be a Cougar?!?!!!

    I'll skip Broccoli until they prove it cures cancer, and gives you serious wood.

  14. I dunno if there are rules, but I would think 35 would be a pretty young cougar. Maybe if she were out after 18-year-old boys.

  15. hey, my bday was last tuesday, and my mother-in-law's last thursday, plus a TON of friends all born under the sign of the scorpion, so feb really must be the breeding season!

  16. You can call yourself an adult once you realize your parents weren't as stupid as you thought they were.

    Dysfunctional, maybe, but not stupid.
