New Here?

Friday, June 4, 2010


I can't date now, I'm about to move across the country.
I can't date now, I'm unemployed.
I can't date now, I just started a new job.
I can't date now, I'm moving again.
I can't date now, my room is full of boxes. (What? This makes perfect sense!)
I can't date now, I should lose like 50 pounds first.
I can't date now, then I might not be able to have random sex.
I can't date now, what if he's not okay with me being kinky and having a sex blog.
I can't date now, then I'll be stuck with him if he's not perfect.

And most evil of all: I can date now, but only if a date falls into my fucking lap, because looking for dates, that's pathetic. Apparently the only thing that's non-pathetic is if a guy just stops me on the street and is smitten with my beauty without me even saying hi.

So yeah, I should probably start looking for dates, because even though part of me clearly likes being single, I also kind of miss the fun you can have in a relationship. My life is never going to be 100% stable and perfect, and waiting for it to be is just a lousy excuse.


  1. I can't date now, what if he's not okay with me being kinky and having a sex blog.

    This is a sex blog?????? Unsubscribering!

  2. Don't worry. Register on a dating site, preferably one that costs money so that the complete losers are weeded out, and watch the offers to meet you come rolling in. Meeting the guys will cost you only a little time as you'll probably be able to subtly indicate that they should pay for the first date.

  3. Fee-based dating sites are bogus. The profit incentive is totally backwards.


  4. One of my pet peeves is movies that show a guy "falling in love" with a pretty woman he's never actually spent any time with.

    The damage that does to expectations of relationships is never ending.
