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Monday, October 25, 2010


I went to the doctor and they sent me to the ER. It is (oh joy) Random Nonspecific Abdominal Pain, again, but this time the massive fever and bloody urine convinced them this was Srs Business. So now I get at least a few hours of Funtimes. Whoo.

My cell battery is low, so it's cool to text but I need to save my calls. I'll keep y'all updated.

This sucks such balls. :p

EDIT: no cell signal. Email me, I can get that.

EDIT: Dilaudid is proof of a loving God. I was just crying and crying as the pain got worse and now I feel like all the pain turned into a warm fuzzy blanket.

EDIT: I'm being admitted, maybe for a couple days. Whoo.


  1. I hope they diagnose it quickly & accurately and help you get better soon!

  2. feel better soon, from strangers on the internets!

  3. Oy...sounds unpleasant and scary. Hope you get some good care and feel better soon...sending good vibes.

  4. Sounds like an infection of some kind. Hopefully it is trivial to take care of and you can get back to being totally awesome in record time!

  5. Kidney infection, perhaps? Been there if so. Thankfully the big fuckoff scary antibiotics they seem to save for those work fast...

  6. Nondenomination best wishes and happy thoughts to you.

  7. That damned prostatis again, huh?

    Feel better soon...

  8. Hope you feel better soon and find out what's going on with yr body!

  9. Holly, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you get better soon!

  10. Best wishes, Holly, I hope you're on your feet again soon x x x

  11. That's awful. Get better!
